Aloe Vera is a medicinal herb that mostly grows in hot and dry climatic conditions. It is typically used to heal wound conditions of the skin and helps in improving baldness. On the other hand, the medicinal property of Aloe Vera helps in preventing oral fibrosis, burn and radiations in the mouth and inflammatory bowel conditions among people[1].
The taxonomic classification of Aloe Vera is discussed below
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Spermatophyta
Subphylum: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledonae
Order: Liliales
Family: Aloaceae
Genus: Aloe
Species: Aloe vera[2]
Aloe Verahas been used as a medicinal herb for the last 5000 years. Due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Aloe Vera, it has been called “the plant of immortality” at the time of pharaohs in Egypt. Arabic people of the Middle East area in ancient times used this herb for its medicinal value. In the time of Greco Roman era, physicians like Aristotle, Hippocrates and many others recommended Aloe Vera for preventing wounds, skincare treatment, genital ulcers alleviation and hair care treatments. It has been reported that the great Alexander concurred with Aloe Vera for the treatment of his soldier with the advice of Aristotle[3].
Aloe Vera helps in preventing hepatitis, diabetes, and obesity-related issues among people. However, the antioxidant properties of Aloe Vera reduce the toxicity level of the body and help in avoiding cancer diseases. It is effective in dental plaque and constipation treatment. It also has anti-bacterial properties that are useful for the treatment of skin rashes, canker sores, wrinkles in the skin[4].
Aloe Vera has the following medicinal properties that have extensive usage in daily life. Those are discussed below
Aloe vera helps in clearing skin rashes, acne, pimples. It improves the digestive system and promotes healthy life. On the other hand, it helps in reducing soreness in the mouth and oral infections[5].
It has cooling, moisturizing, and soothing properties to reduce the burning sensation in the skin and make it healthier. Anti-inflammatory property of Aloe vera helps in reducing oral fibrosis disorders. It also helps in curing dangerous condition of inflammatory bowel disorders.
Aloe vera reduces the toxicity of the health and inhibits bacterial infection among health. It helps in reducing body weight and antioxidant property reduces cancer-causing reasons among people. All those properties of Aloe vera help in managing a healthier lifestyle among people[6].
[1]Nccih (2022)
[2]Cabi (2022)
[3]Atalayabio (2022)
[4]Azarfam et al. (2020)
[5]Liu et al. (2019)
[6]Sharma& Sharma (2019)
Figure 1: Medicinal properties of Aloe Vera
(Source: Sharma & Sharma 2019)
Aloe Vera has 75 active compounds that help in managing a huge number of medicinal properties among it. It has Vitamin A with beta carotene, Vitamin C, E, folic acid, and choline that provide antioxidant properties among Aloe Vera. Alkaline phosphatase, carboxypeptidase, cellulase, lipase and amylase are responsible for the anti-inflammatory property of Aloe vera. On the other hand, anti-oxidant properties are managed by calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and zinc minerals. However, they have 12 types of anthraquinones, salicylic acid, β-sisosterol, campesterol, auxin, gibberellin, and essential amino acids for developing medicinal properties among them[1].
Glucomannan, Polysaccharides and gibberellin hormone enables to provide the soothing and healing properties. However, these cross-linkages of collagen accelerate the breaking of skin tissues and hyaluronic acids improve healing properties among herb. Mucopolysaccharides’ presence manages the miniaturization of skin and improves wrinkles and soreness.
[1]Razzaq& Mohammed (2019)
Figure 2: working properties of Aloe Vera
(Source: Danish et al. 2020)
Salicylic acids, nitrogen, phenol and Sulphur compounds inhibit the action of bacteria, fungus and viral infections among skins. Anthraquinones stimulated the immune system of the human body and phorbol myristic acetate prevents cancer cell initiation among the human body[1].
Anthraquinones is vital to increase the intensive water content level among the human body and enhanced the stimulation of muscles. However, calcium influxes manage the stable molecular weight of the body compounds and it activated oxygen free radicals such as neutrophils.
Taking whole aloe latex orally in one day created major health issues. Excessive in taking of Aloe latex can causes kidney failure and induced several fatal diseases. It can create abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. Therefore, the proper amount of taking is necessary to avoid the adverse effects of Aloe Vera[2].
As per the case of acne-related problems among young adult males and women, using Aloe Vera has created a great effect on their problems. 1-35 years of females were facing problems of small inflammation bumps and white heads in check and foreheads. On the other hand, 14 years males have faced skin allergies and irritation. In both cases, aloe Vera gel has been used twice a day. Within three months of using, they got smooth and nourished skin. Therefore, prevention of skin diseases and rashes treatment, Aloe Vera has huge importance[3].
Another case of laboratory experiment of anti-inflammatory property of Aloe Vera in mice shows the treatment in cryptosporidiosis. Using Aloe Vera gel in mice consecutively over 30 days showed the highest parasitic reduction results. It has been managed a 100% reduction of cryptosporidiosis among mice. Aloe Vera helps in developing a better immune system among mice and it manages the Immunosuppressive reasons among the body of the mice[4].
Aloe Vera has several medicinal properties that help in managing several fatal diseases among human beings. On the other hand, the antioxidant properties of Aloe Vera herbs reduce the toxicity level among the human body. It enhances the energy level in daily life and prevents cancerous diseases.
In addition to this excessive intaking of Aloe Vera latex causes severe health issues and diarrhoea. Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic uses of aloe species manage wound healing properties. Curing sunburns, wrinkles and rashes have been prevented by the effective uses of the aloe Vera gel in the body. Eye irritation injuries, lung congestion, arthritis has been managed by the effective nature of Aloe Vera. Daily intaking of Aloe Vera in a particular amount helps in reducing body weight has been very effective. It imposes the immune system of the human being and developed better health. It also helps in managing blood sugar levels among people. Therefore, using medicinal herbs Aloe Vera enhanced development of the society.
[1]Danish et al. (2020)
[2]Leng et al. (2018)
[3]Javed& Shah (2021)
[4]Farid et al. (2021)
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